Uniting The Continents: Support For The Pacific Rim” — An Online Event for Families, Former Members and Friends Affected by Cultic Groups and Relationships

This cult education event will offer an opportunity for organizations to share their collective knowledge and experience — across many continents.
The conference includes fourteen plus, fifty-minute sessions and a three-hour Former Member Workshop.

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ICSA Annual Conference: Challenging the popular perceptions of Transcendental Meditation

For over half a century, the Transcendental Meditation Program has enjoyed undeserved, positive pop-cultural visibility in the West, receiving endorsements from the famous and influential, recently including notables such as Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks and Michael J. Fox. How can this popular perception be successfully challenged?

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ICSA Annual Conference: Assessment of perceptions and experiences of family members or individuals concerned about a loved one who is or was in a controlling or abusive group or relationship

Assessment of perceptions and experiences of family members or individuals concerned about a loved one who is or was in a controlling or abusive group or relationship.

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